Saturday, May 1, 2010

Beauty of colorful birds

Do you know that every specific birds has its unique color which make it more attractive. Such as the

Golden-headed Quetzal

Males and females are approximately the same size, having a total length of ca. 35 cm and a weight of 160 g. as adults. Adult males are iridescent green with a golden cast to their heads, black wings, bright red bellies, and a yellow bill. The female is duller with a Grey head and lower chest and a dusky bill. Both sexes have an entirely blackish under tail unlike the Crested Queasily.

Oriole may mean:

Green-headed Tanager

The Green-headed Tanager, Tangerine seledon, is a bird found in Atlantic forest in south-eastern Brazil, far eastern Paraguay and far north-eastern Argentina (Misiones only).

As other members of the genus Tangerine, it is a small colorful bird, measuring an average of 13.5 centimeters (5.3 in). While essentially a bird of humid forests, it is also common in orchards and parks, where it moves through the canopy, making itself inconspicuous, as its apparently flashy blue-green coloration camouflages it well amongst the foliage.